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Mahina ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i
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How do you say: It is my pleasure.
Na‘u ka hau‘oli.

Doing business with Kamehameha Schools

Payment Process Getting Paid by KS

KS offers several payment options for approved invoices including accelerated terms with electronic payment methods for faster payment with reduced risk.

Consider the following when making a selection:

Invoice Date: Payment terms are based upon the date an invoice is received. All invoices must be submitted to or PO Box 3466, Honolulu, HI, 96801.

Payment Approval: KS’ follows a three-way matching process for invoice approval. Invoices will be matched against PO number and confirmation of the receipt of goods and/or services before payment is approved. Please include PO numbers on your invoice to expedite this process. 

Default Payment Terms: KS’ default payment terms for vendors invoices is Net 45 days with payment via paper check.

Accelerated Payment Terms: More favorable payment terms are offered for accepting electronic payment via KS’ preferred payment methods:

Immediate payment upon approval with Single Use Account (SUA)

Net 30 days payment upon approval with Automated Clearing House (ACH).  Please see the "ACH Items" below: 

The KS Supplier Portal is UNDER CONSTRUCTION 

  1. Please complete the form W-9 and Vendor Information Form below and return it to
  2. Once we receive your W-9, Vendor Information Form, confirm, we will send you an invite from our secure KS Supplier Portal.
  3. Once you get invited, the KS Supplier Portal Help Guide below can assist you through the entire Portal process.
  4. To ensure information is secure, we are using the Google Authenticator App on your mobile phone for our two-factor authentication.
  5. Please reach out to if you have any questions with sign up for ACH.
  6. If there are technological issues please use the Manual ACH Enrollment Form.

Remittances: All electronic payment methods will include an emailed remittance advice outlining the invoices for which the payment has been made.