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Mahina ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i
Celebrate and learn a phrase of the day. More ‘ōlelo »
How do you say: It is my pleasure.
Na‘u ka hau‘oli.



In 2016, the Kamehameha Schools Strategy & Transformation Group launched a strategic Research Agenda to explore topics that impact the direction of our organization and population-level areas of interest. As such, research priority areas serve to inform our 25-year journey to Vision 2040 of a thriving lāhui.

To carry out this agenda, we produce and provide research and data in direct response to KS’ short- and long-term needs and interests. We also support the broader research field to conduct community-driven research that is informed and guided by the Native Hawaiian lāhui. Finally, we believe that working in collaboration with other Native Hawaiian-serving organizations with a research focus increases efficiencies, reduces redundancies, and strengthens collective impact effots.

Strategic Research Priority Areas
Hawaiian Culture-based Education

Hawaiian Culture-based Education is a leading driver in how Kamehameha Schools envisions reaching Vision 2040. We continually seek to build our knowledge in this area by exploring professional development, paradigm shifts, implementation supports, and its relationship to student socio-emotional and academic outcomes.

Post-Secondary Success

Research focused on post-secondary success, including and extending beyond academic achievement, informs the creation of opportunities and supports for the next generation of ‘ōiwi leaders. Our efforts explore descriptions, pathways, systems of support, and motivating factors of post-secondary success, as well as the development and examples of ‘ōiwi leadership.

Community Transformation

Community and systems-based approaches to change are central to improving our education system, impacting learner short- and long-term outcomes, and improving Native Hawaiian well-being. Work within this area supports and studies efforts to transforms systems and communities to achieve a thriving lāhui.

Native Hawaiian Well-being

Commitment to the well-being of the Native Hawaiian lāhui is shared by many throughout the state. We are dedicated to supporting and contributing to this collective area of work by focusing on the multiple facets of individual and collective well-being.


There are over half a million Native Hawaiians within the United States with nearly 50 percent living outside of Hawai‘i. Through this area we explore the demographic trends and patterns of the Native Hawaiian population and the influences and factors that contribute to Native Hawaiians remaining, leaving, or returning to the state.

“Data Matters” is a column featured in I MUA Magazine and written by KS’ Strategy and Transformation’s Research Group.

The column shares perspectives, updates, news, and current data on a variety of topics that relate to and support KS’ journey to Vision 2040.

For more information about Data Matters, contact Wendy Kekahio at